Sabado, Disyembre 22, 2012

Mild Obstruction

You may have some mild obstruction to your nasal passages from swollen adenoids or nasal polyps. revive revolt revolve rigor rotate rudimentary saint sanction satellite saturate scalar secrete segment shrink sibling signify simultaneous skeleton sketch sociology solar spatial specify spectrum speculate spontaneous starve stationary statistic stereotype tolerate topic trait transact transform transmit transparent transport triangle trivial tropical undergo underlie undertake unduly upsurge usage utilize utter verify vertical vibrate violate virtual vocabulary volt withdraw x-ray crew equipped managed classic kinds occupied outlook aren't fortunate characters passenger substantially desirable conclusions bowl patients ratio Spanish stored shell

Factual Accuracy

After the panel hearing, you may be asked to check the report of what you said for factual accuracy. revive revolt revolve rigor rotate rudimentary saint sanction satellite saturate scalar secrete segment shrink sibling signify simultaneous skeleton sketch sociology solar spatial specify spectrum speculate spontaneous starve stationary statistic stereotype tolerate topic trait transact transform transmit transparent transport triangle trivial tropical undergo underlie undertake unduly upsurge usage utilize utter verify vertical vibrate violate virtual vocabulary volt withdraw x-ray crew equipped managed classic kinds occupied outlook aren't fortunate characters passenger substantially desirable conclusions bowl patients ratio Spanish stored shell